Monday 7 June 2010

National Heros


Garvey was born in St. Ann became he has been marked down as a national hero because of his courageous and eloquent in his call for improvement for Blacks. He sought the unification of all Blacks through the establishment of the United Negro Improvement and spent many years in the United States pursuing his goal of Black Unification.


Norman Washington Manley was the founder of the People’s National Party which later was tied to the Trade Union Congress and the N.W. U. Norman Manly worked along side Alexander Bustamante, their efforts resulted in the New Constitution of 1944 granting full Adult Suffrage. Manley was elected Chief Minister in the year 1955, the 400 year British Rule, invoking slavery, uprising and bloodshed was not at an end.

Sir Alexander Bustamante 1884-1977
Bustamante has been been described as a very outspoken individual who understood labor relations. He was a impressive speaker he used the media to criticize the political system. He became Jamaica's first chief minster until 1954 during the same year he was knighted by the queen.


Sam Sharpe, carried on the Resistance against slavery which was, the most outstanding Slave Rebellion in Jamaica’s history. He was an educated town slave, was a preacher and spokesman. He managed to followed the developments of the abolition movement by reading discarded local and foreign papers and he was was able to advise his followers. He started the 1831 Christmas Rebellion in St. James and which spread throughout the entire island. The Rebellion started on December 28 and lasted 8 days. Sam Sharpe was eventually captured and hung at the Parade in Montego Bay (now renamed Sam Sharpe Square). On August 28, 1833 slavery was abolished and the System of Apprenticeship instituted, this insured the the total freedom of slaves for the next 4-6 years. On August 1, 1938 the Apprenticeship System ended granting full freedom to the slaves.

Nanny of the Maroons

Nanny was the only female among Jamaica’s national heroes. She possessed that fierce fighting spirit generally associated with the courage of men. Nanny has been described as an Asante warrior who used militarist techniques to fight the English. She fought the English until her death in the year 1734.

He was a member of the House of Parliament. He used his authority to try the change and improve the living conditions of people in Jamaica. He owned his own land as a free coloured man. The Morant Bay Rebellion which was lead by Bogle and Gordon helped Jamaica’s development.

Died 1865

Paul Bogle, was a Baptist Deacon he did not believe in violence. He believed in the teachings of the bible. He lead and tought his followers through organisation and training.

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